Our calibration services are performed at any of our calibration laboratories or on-site. As a supplier, we are certified according to ISO 9001 and our accredited laboratories are accredited by Accreditation Bodies according to ISO/IEC 17025.

Our services are designed to help you as a customer to fulfil the requirements that have been put on maintenance and calibration of your measuring instruments. All the services provide metrological confirmation of the measuring instrument that fulfils the requirements in standards as ISO 9000 and ISO 10012.

Accredited Calibration

When you need measurement results and evidence that the measuring instrument comply with specification. This service gives an internationally recognized calibration and fulfils the requirements for calibration according to ISO/IEC 17025. e.g to fulfil the requirements in QS 9000 and ISO/TS 164949.

Metrological confirmation:

  • Calibration at an accredited laboratory and test for compliance with the given specification.
  • Adjustment when the measuring instrument does not comply with the specification, where possible.2
  • Calibration certificate issued by an accredited laboratory stating compliance or non-compliance. Measurement results are reported for each instrument point.1
  • Records of the calibration certificate and measurement results are stored for 6 years.
  • Sealing and labelling as “Calibrated”.

Traceable Calibration

When you need evidence that the measuring instrument comply with specification. This service gives a traceable calibration that fulfils the requirements in ISO/IEC 17025, ISO 9000 and ISO10012.

Metrological confirmation:

  • Calibration and test for compliance with the given specification.
  • Adjustment when the measuring instrument does not comply with the specification, where possible.
  • Calibration certificate including measurement results stating compliance or non-compliance. Measurement results are reported for each instrument point.1
  • Records
  • Sealing and labelling as “Calibrated”.

The calibration usually covers the complete specified range, but can be customized to your needs3. Measurement points are selected in accordance with the manufacturer’s performance test or equivalent.

The measurement procedures and the test equipment are selected to ensure traceability to national and international standards.

The uncertainty of measurement is accounted for when performing a compliance or non-compliance test. If the measuring instrument does not comply with the specification after adjustment or repair is needed, the customer is contacted before any further action.

(1) When adjustments are performed, measurement results are reported for the actual points.

(2) You can order not to perform any adjustments, e.g. for reference equipment where calibration history is important.The measuring instrument is then shipped, no matter if it comply with the specification or not.

(3) The complete specification refers to relevant parts of the specification.When performing accredited calibrations, where not all of the parameters are covered by the accreditation, the calibration will be complemented by non-accredited measurements to cover the complete specification.When the complete specification cannot be covered, the equipment is labeled “Limited calibration”.