Dear valued customer,
On 29 June, 2017, Exova was acquired by Element Materials Technology. Since that date, the two companies have been working together to integrate our businesses into a single organization that will be known as ‘Element’ in the future. As we near the end of the integration process, we have some important news to share with you. Element’s newly combined business makes us the #1 testing provider in the global aerospace and oil & gas sectors, and a market leader in the U.S. transportation and automotive testing market. With 200 laboratories and over 6200 employees worldwide, you now have access to increased capacity, capability and expertise for all of your existing and future materials testing, product qualification testing, calibration, certification and consulting needs.
- Effective on or around 25 June 2018 our name will change from Exova Metech to Element Metech
- The company organization number and VAT registration will remain unchanged
- Please use our new name on your POs
- Invoices will contain our new name as well
- Test reports and certificates will have an Element Metech logo
- Banking information will not change
- All contracts remain valid and will not change
Please update your records accordingly.
Our name will change, but one thing that will not is our commitment to you, our client. The team at Exova is excited about joining Element as together we pursue our shared goals of becoming the best
and most trusted testing partner for your industry by providing consistent and industry-leading on-time delivery, turn-times and service. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require additional information regarding this matter. Until further notice, please keep all contact details to our teams.
Mats Persson,
Division Director, Calibration & Testing Nordics
To learn more about Element, please visit