The laboratory in Linköping has now increased its scope of accreditation so that it also includes calibration of acceleration sensors. The calibration and the accredited measurement method are based on a fully automated calibration system from PCB, TMS-9155D, which is based on FFT signal analysis.

The system includes an “Air-bearing shaker” whose patented technology eliminates transverse movements. The system calibrates most of the sensor types available on the market and software support is available to automatically update TEDS data in TEDS sensors. The calibration system can measure accelerometer sensitivity, frequency response, amplitude, bias, DC offset and shunt resistance.

Sensor types

Accelerometer calibration system 9155D offers back-to-back calibration of the following sensor types/accelerometers: ICP (IEPE), piezoelectric (charge), piezoresistive (MEMS), capacitive, speed sensor (V), CVLD (A) and shock accelerometers (not included in the scope of accreditation).
In addition to calibrating shock accelerometers according to standard ISO 16063-22, hammer calibration is an area covered by the accelerometer calibration system. However, this part is also not included in the new scope of accreditation.

Scope of accreditation for acceleration:

Range CMC
5 Hz <= f < 10 Hz ± 1,3%
10 Hz < f <= 2500 Hz ± 1,2%
2500 Hz < f <= 10000 Hz ± 1,7%
f = 10 Hz ± 1,1%
f = 80 Hz ± 0,8%
f = 160 Hz ± 0,7%
f = 500 Hz ± 0,7%
f = 1000 Hz ± 0,9%
f = 2000 Hz ± 1,1%

Amplitude max 200 m/s2