Pipette Calibration
Accredited calibration of pipettes
Pipette accuracy is absolutely crucial for most users and especially in regulated industries, and regular calibration is the only way to make sure a pipette never exceeds its tolerance limits. Element Metech provides a professional accredited pipette calibration services which, together with sufficient documentation, helps you ensure your quality requirements are always being met.

We calibrate all types of pipettes
Our laboratories in Copenhagen Taastrup and Stockholm Kista are specializing in calibration of pipettes and provide accredited calibration of all types of single-channel and multi-channel pipettes in the range 0.1 µl to 50,000 µl. A pipette calibration is preferably performed with your own pipette tips to get as production-like calibration as possible.
Pipette calibrations are performed according to ISO 8655 with reference equipment that is traceable to national and international standards.
All calibration events are documented and stored at Element Metech and can be easily accessed through our online calibration management system MIO. The digitally signed calibration certificate is available online immediately after calibration and if you prefer, a paper certificate can be delivered by return of your pipette.
Contact our team
We’re here to help. Contact our team to discuss your calibration needs.